A personal message of thanks

Hey everyone, Stephen here! Before you panic, don't worry I'm not going anywhere!
I just wanted to make a quick personal post here, and extend my deep gratitude and thanks to everyone who has been supportive of the TAIKORA brand- everyone who has liked photos, retweeted promotions, followed, emailed, and even more so made a purchase in the last 6 months. You have helped this business and passion project keep ticking over, so I can keep the store up and keep items going out, and work on new gear!
It's been a time of change for all of us, I unexpectedly had to leave Hong Kong in late 2019, and have found myself in Australia for the foreseeable future due to the pandemic. I'm fortunate enough to have friends who have helped me fulfil orders from HK, customers and supporters who have been patient and understanding about shipping delays while the global freight network is disrupted, and a support network that has helped me keep everything going while I try to navigate the wild adventure that has been 2020.
I also want to say to my new found friends and community on Twitch where I play games that I'm so grateful for you these last few months. If you haven't already, come say hi!
Anyway, to keep it short and sweet - thank you, I appreciate you.
Please stay safe, stay well, wear a mask, binge Netflix in your TAIKORA undies and tag me in the pics ;) New stuff to come!